
Metabolism Tea Morning Routine

There’s no secret here: to get your metabolism ramped up, you just need what we’ve always needed: rest, nutrient-dense foods and movement. This is how our bodies are meant to function and thrive.

When you get back to these basics, your body will respond and heal itself. Sometimes that means more energy, weight loss, clear skin, less aches, etc— but no matter what it’s going to be feeling better than it does right now.

Now, I know it’s waaaaay the heck easier said than done… and I struggle with this every single day. Yet I’ve had many break throughs over the years as I get older, which is why I’m here to share with you what works best for me in hopes that’ll it help you too .

Embracing simple food habits is where I’ve had the most success with my health. From a morning metabolism tea to a green smoothie— I have set the foundation to have the intention for the day of the body I want to have: strong, healthy & energetic.

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