
Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

The key to weight loss success is having the right kind of snacks on hand that’ll satisfy your cravings, encourage weight loss, and pretty much put the HANGRY beast to bed. Oftentimes, we think we are hungry when we are not. Thirsty and hungry are two signals the body tends to mix up. So if I’m feeling hungry, I reach for a glass of water before I even toy with the idea of a snack. If I’m still hungry 20 minutes later, then it’s time to fuel up.

It really depends on what your snacks are, to decide if it’s going to fuel your metabolism. Often times, snacks are foods that have a longer shelf life, less nutrients and less water content. ( Even healthy snacks are cutting corners on your overall health. ) Meals are when we use the most fresh vegetables, fruits, grains and nutrient rich foods. Just like most things, balance is key. And snacks are here for the “gap zone”… yet aren’t a substitute for a nutritious fresh meal.

Studies have shown that the “act of snacking” doesn’t boost your metabolism (source), yet you can be a conscious snacker and use ingredients that do benefit your metabolism to help you achieve your weight loss results.

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