
Vitamin C Smoothie Cubes

Whenever there’s a chance of catching a cold, I try to boost my vitamin C which can help the immune system. When I was in college, I relied to Emergen-C (the powdered drink) yet these past few years I’ve used my smoothies as my immune booster.

We often hear that we should drink citrus juice or eat citrus fruits to boost our vitamin C levels, which is good advice. Beyond oranges, the array of vitamin C-rich foods is vast and colorful. These gorgeous orange Vitamin C Smoothie Cubes contain over 100% of the recommended daily value (RDV) of vitamin C, which is essential for many functions within the body.

Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants. It keeps the immune system humming along to protecting against damage caused by free radicals which may prevent certain cancers from forming.

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